Tell us a bit about you and your institution.
Katedra is the largest language school in Hungary; we deal mainly with adult education. We offer both open and corporate classes. Over the last 20 years we’ve had approximately 250,000 applications to our courses. The Katedra franchise is present in almost all the major cities in Hungary.
How long have you been using Macmillan English Campus, and how do you use it?
We have been using the English Campus for four years now. We use the English Campus for both blended and distance learning classes.
How has Macmillan English Campus helped your institution, your teachers and your students?
The English Campus has proved to be a powerful tool in aiding learners in their progress. Furthermore, it is a good response to the learners’ emerging needs for e-learning tools, and it has also helped to develop our teachers professionally.
What’s your favourite thing about Macmillan English Campus?
The user-friendly interface, the variety of activities and the statistics it can provide.